
How to establish radioligand therapy
for advanced cancer care in your region?

29 January 2025

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Radiotheranostics, radiopharmaceuticals with antitumour effects, have seen rapid development over the past decade. The Dubai Radiotheranostics Summit aims to raise awareness,  as well as address challenges and opportunities around this cancer care approach. By gathering multiple points of view from specialists from the field, we aim to give a broad perspective of how to accelerate the setting-up of the structure to enhance patient access.

& Landscape


& Technology

Experience with Radioligand Therapy

Patient TestImonials
& Case StudIES

Sponsors & Partners

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Rebecca Lo bue

CEO of the Oncidium Foundation

Dr. Batool Albalooshi

MD, Facharzt, FEANM, Head and consultant at Dubai Nuclear Medicine & Molecular Imaging Center-Dubai Health

H.E. Mr. Antoine DELCOURT

Ambassador of the Kingdom of Belgium to the United Arab Emirates

CONCEPT & LANDSCAPE Keynote lecture

What are Radiotheranostics

Products on the global market and what's next

Landscape local x global - Barriers/challenges

Dr. Munir Ghesani

Past President of SNMMI, Chief Medical Officer at United Theranostics

Patient Experience

Testimonial of a person treated with 177Lu-PSMA and one with 177Lu-DOTATATE

CLINICAL Experience with Radioligand Therapy

Case-study: Regional Experience with PSMA RLT in Prostate Cancer

Case-study: NET treatment

Clinical and Regulatory Aspects of Radio-ligand Therapy: Trends, Guidelines and Future Aspirations


Dr. Akram Al-Ibraheem

Chairman of Nuclear Medicine Department, King Hussein Cancer Center (KHCC)

Dr. Munir Ghesani

Past President of SNMMI, Chief Medical Officer at United Theranostics

Dr. Ilya Gipp, MD, PhD

Oncology Chief Medical Officer at GE HealthCare

Radiotheranostics Support Hub

International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) support to build radiopharmaceutical capacity

Dr. Valery Radchenko

Consultant at International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)

Theranostics and Role of Arab Society of Nuclear Medicine in the region

Dr. Batool Albalooshi

MD, Facharzt, FEANM, Head and consultant at Dubai Nuclear Medicine & Molecular Imaging Center-Dubai Health

HCS readiness and challenges for radioligand therapy

Radjaa Medhi, PhD

RLT Expert & Growth Market Head

Q&A session



How to set-up a nuclear medicine center - Infrastructure: Hospital, radiopharmacy and cyclotron site.

Dr. Dmitry Cherkasov

MD.,MBA, Theranostics Association VP, HASCCA founder; Doctorant - co-founder

How to set-up a nuclear medicine center - Business model: Project and facility management, investment and human resources.

Dr. Yehia Omar

Director of PET/CT and Theranostics unit at Misr Radiology Center

The way to radiotheranostic: Institut Jules Bordet’s evolution to a center of excellence

Dr. Zena Wimana

Director of the Radiopharmacy - Hôpital Universitaire de Bruxelles (H.U.B)

Round table

Round table with representative from world suppliers

Ms. Ece Süreyya Dagdele - ITM
Mr. Mohammed Tahlak - Radsa Physics
Dr. Ilya Gipp - GE HealthCare
Mr. Amer Salha - Monrol UAE
Radjaa Medhi, PhD - Novartis

Wrap-up and conclusion

Rebecca Lo bue

CEO of the Oncidium Foundation

Networking lunch

Scientific Board

DR. Alice Viana

Scientific Director at Oncidium foundation


Dr. Batool Albalooshi

MD, Facharzt, FEANM, Head and consultant at Dubai Nuclear Medicine & Molecular Imaging Center-Dubai Health

United Arab Emirates

Dr. Aruna Korde

Technical Officer at International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)


DR. Dmitry Cherkasov

MD.,MBA, Theranostics Association VP, HASCCA founder; Doctorant - co-founder


Dr. Zena Wimana

Director of the Radiopharmacy - Hôpital Universitaire de Bruxelles (H.U.B)


Dr. Cristiana Gameiro

Expert Member of the Belgian and European Pharmacopoeias; Product Manager at IBA, Ph.D., MBA- IBA Fellow


General Information

This 1st edition of Oncidium foundation & partners’ congress empowers healthcare leaders to bring advanced radiotheranostics to their regions, offering cancer patients personalized, targeted treatment that improves outcomes and enhances quality of life.

Focused on Middle East, Africa and Asia, with a program developed for investors, head of hospitals, oncologists, policymakers, cross-niche specialists, and healthcare industry representatives, to bring radiotheranostics to the their regions.


Millennium Plaza Downtown

23215 Sheikh Zayed Rd

(15min from Arab Health)  

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The Oncidium foundation

The Oncidium Foundation is a dedicated nonprofit organization committed to advancing nuclear medicine therapies for cancer care worldwide. Our primary mission revolves around education, awareness, and support for individuals facing the daily battle against cancer, with a focus on those in need of access to the best possible care.

Through our initiatives and the groundbreaking RLT-Connect platform, we aim to bridge these gaps and provide financial support to patients in underserved regions, ensuring they receive the best possible cancer care. Our dedication to this cause drives us to continue raising awareness, educating, and advocating for equitable access to cutting-edge treatments that offer hope and a chance at longer, better lives for cancer patients worldwide.

Learn more

Contact us 


Millennium Plaza Downtown

23215 Sheikh Zayed Rd - Trade Centre
Trade Centre 1 - Dubai - United Arab Emirates


The Oncidium foundation
Rue Emile Francqui 6, boite 5
1435 Mont-Saint-Guibert – Belgium

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